How Do You Set A Timer For Productivity
A timer is a tool which allows users to set the time they want to be working. If they're using a small steps strategy, they may set the timer to just 1-10 minutes. The timer will then go off, and they're free to proceed or end. There's a solution I haven't heard about elsewhere and that's similar to this. The Small Extension You are able to sit and work without a set end time. Keep your 25 minute timer , close by. Continue working as normal until you feel the need to end your work. The timer is a tool to help you if that urge hits. Tell yourself, "I feel like stopping and I'll set the timer for five minutes, and once it goes off, I'll be able to stop." This strategy is effective because of two reasons. You won't be caught up in the moment when the timer goes off or the clock advancing towards the time of your first working session. You'll feel a sense of satisfaction as the alarm goes off. This isn't optimal if you'r...